Bismi Allahi arrahmani arraheem
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

Benefits of Dua Akasha
Dua Akasha is the most superior way of asking for forgiveness from Allah. Whoever says it during the day with firm faith in it, and dies on the same day before the evening, he will be from the people of Paradise; and if somebody recites it at night with firm faith in it, and dies before the morning, he will be from the people of Paradise.[Sahih al-Bukhari 8, 75 #318]
Whoever reads this dua after Fajr and Isha will be safe from Shytaan. Whosover reads it once in life time he will cross the bridge of sirat with ease, all his sins will be forgiven. Whosoever keeps this dua with him will be safe from magic and every harm. Reciting of this Surah in compulsory prayers keeps a person safe from poverty and Sustenance comes towards him. His death will not be of a sudden and terrifying nature.
Transliteration: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Allahuma ya kaseera Annawali wa ya daaimal wisaali wa ya ahsanal fiaali Allahuma in dakhalash shaaku fii iimani bika wa lam aalam bihi tubtu anhu wa aaqulu Laa Ilaha Ill'Allah Muhammad-u'r-Rasulullahi.Allahuma in dakhalal kufru fii islamii bika wa lam aalam bihi tubtu anhu wa aaqulu Laa Ilaha Ill'
Translation: In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. O Allah! O The Immense Bestower and Giver .O The One Who is forever in contact (with His creation) O The Doer of all that is good.O Allah! If I fall into doubt in my faith in You and I am unaware of it, I beg forgiveness for it and I say There is none to be worshipped but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. O Allah! If I begin to deny my Islam (total submission to You) and I am unaware of it, I beg forgiveness for it and I say There is none to be worshipped but
Transliteration: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Allahuma ya kaseera Annawali wa ya daaimal wisaali wa ya ahsanal fiaali Allahuma in dakhalash shaaku fii iimani bika wa lam aalam bihi tubtu anhu wa aaqulu Laa Ilaha Ill'Allah Muhammad-u'r-Rasulullahi.Allahuma in dakhalal kufru fii islamii bika wa lam aalam bihi tubtu anhu wa aaqulu Laa Ilaha Ill'
Translation: In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. O Allah! O The Immense Bestower and Giver .O The One Who is forever in contact (with His creation) O The Doer of all that is good.O Allah! If I fall into doubt in my faith in You and I am unaware of it, I beg forgiveness for it and I say There is none to be worshipped but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. O Allah! If I begin to deny my Islam (total submission to You) and I am unaware of it, I beg forgiveness for it and I say There is none to be worshipped but
Translation: Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.O Allah! If I enter into doubt in my belief in One God, You Only and I am unaware of it, I beg forgiveness for it and I say There is none to be worshipped but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. O Allah! If I fall into pride, arrogance, showing-off, and in gaining a reputation in whatever I do for You and I am unaware of it, I beg forgiveness for it and I say There is none to be worshipped but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. O Allah! If I begin to lie, and backbiting comes to my tongue and I am unaware of it,
Translation: I beg forgiveness for it and I say There is none to be worshipped but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. O Allah! If evil thoughts about You enter my heart and I am unaware of it, I beg forgiveness for it and I say
There is none to be worshipped but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah O Allah! If I begin to compare Your Knowledge with anyone else's
and I am unaware of it, I beg forgiveness for it and I say There is none to be worshipped but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah O Allah! If I am not satisfied with what You destined for me to be in my power
Translation: and I am unaware of it. I beg forgiveness for it and I say There is none to be worshipped but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
O Allah! You favoured with so much but if I disobeyed and I am unaware of it, I beg forgiveness for it and I say There is none to be worshipped but Allah
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah O Allah! You favoured me with so much of Your bounties but if I did not even thank You for it and I am unaware of it, I beg forgiveness for it and I say There is none to be worshipped but Allah
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah O Allah! Whatever beautiful favours You bestowed on me
Translation: and if I did not even praise You for it and I am unaware of it, I beg forgiveness for it and I say There is none to be worshipped but Allah
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah .O Allah! Whatever I wasted of my life-time that was not pleasing to You and I am unaware of it, I beg forgiveness for it and I say There is none to be worshipped but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.O Allah! Whatever You made compulsory on me to think and perceive about You, if I closed my eyes to it and I am unaware of it, I beg forgiveness for it and I say There is none to be worshipped but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
Translation: O Allah! Whenever I have fallen short in my hope and expectation in You and I am unaware of it, I beg forgiveness for it and I say There is none to be worshipped but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah O Allah! Whenever I have considered someone other than You to be of help in my hardship and I am unaware of it, I beg forgiveness for it and I say 'There is none to be worshipped but Allah' Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. O Allah! If I have sought help
Translation: When in difficulties from someone other than You and I am unaware of it, I beg forgiveness for it and I say There is none to be worshipped but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. O Allah! If my feet have slipped from a path other than Yours and I unaware of it, I beg forgiveness for it and I say There is none to be worshipped but Allah Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. O Allah! Whenever You corrected my mistakes with Your Grace and I thought it was someone else doing it and I am unaware of it, I beg forgiveness for it and I say There is none to be worshipped but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
Translation: O The Ever Living! The Eternal! There is none to be worshipped but You Sanctity be to You; surely, I acted mproperly Then We responded to his prayer,and delivered him from the grief and thus We save the believers. And Zakaria, when he called his Lord: O my Lord! Leave me not childless, and You are the Best Inheritor. And may the blessings of Allah, The Exalted,
be on His best creation, Muhammad, and on his family, and his companions, and his wives, all of them. With Your Mercy, O The Most Merciful.
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